Are you an Employer?

Uniting Veterans and small business leaders to solve issues and propel growth

People pains

  • Let’s face it, small businesses struggle to find and keep great people. Whether its having the wrong people, not enough people, or good people doing the wrong stuff, people issues are common and the smaller the company the bigger their impact.
  • Finding great people, particularly leaders, is time consuming, can be expensive, and produces uncertain results.
  • Often times the people with the best resumes and skills are the absolute worst fits for your team.
  • You know there’s got to be better people out there, like Veterans, but you have no idea how to find them, whether they would work with your team, or what you’d do with them even if they did seem like a fit.

A Winning Solution

  • Our candidates are post-service, senior-level Veterans; typically experienced in both command and second-in-command assignments.
  • While they may not start with all the skills you’ve been searching for, they understand vision, people, teamwork, accountability, processes, issue solving, and they get stuff done.
  • The military trains its officers and senior enlisted leaders to work in partnership duos that naturally draw upon the strengths of each to ensure mission accomplishment and welfare of personnel. In a world where Visionaries outnumber Integrators by about 4-to-1, our Veterans are groomed to be Integrators from the moment they begin training.

Tours of Duty Approach


In recognizing the death of the “career employee”, the book The Alliance chronicles how LinkedIn and other Silicon Valley companies borrowed a page from the military playbook to create tours of duty for employees in which both parties, employee and employer, agree that success of the assignement will be defined by performance of a specific role for a specific period of time to meet specific objectives. As long as those objectives are met, everybody can walk away from the situation a winner, regardless of whether the paths diverge or remain aligned. Employees advance with new skills and experiences under their belt and employers benefit from the work that was delivered to meet their objectives.


Nearly all businesses, but small companies in particular, struggle to find great people that are aligned to their culture and get, want, and have the capacity to do the job at hand. This struggle is compounded by the urge to find hires ready to committ to staying with the organization indefinitely.


A reciprocal challenge is felt by the highest-caliber Veteran candidates on the market who are learly of companies without a clearly visible growth path and invariably struggle to translate their experience into resumes applicable to posted job requirements.


We solve both of these problems by aligning uniquely qualified Veteran candidates with small businesses for “Tour of Duty” assignments which reduce the risk of the the hiring situation for both sides of the table. It also provides our W3 Veterans with a career path to grow across management and leadership team roles within entreprenuerial organizations under one umbrella, even when those roles does exist within a single company.


Our objective is to develop and introduce more Integrators into the entrepenuerial job market so more Visionaries can find their perfect Integrator counterpart…. and, if we create a few more well-prepared Visionaries along the way, all the better!


W3 believes in creating competitively paying roles for our Veterans that translate into affordable flat hourly rate vendor payments for our small business clients. We are partnered with a phenomenal Emlpoyer of Record that manages payroll, employee benefits, and compliance so all our clients and Veterans need to worry about is the role and tasks at hand.

Billable rates per hour

Manager Level
$40 - $65

Leadership Team Level
$60 - $100

Integrator Ready
$75 - $150

Integrator Experienced