Are you a Veteran?

Uniting Veterans and small business leaders to solve issues and propel growth

Slingshot Economics


Veterans, just as a slingshot shooter pulls a projectile far back to the point of maximum tension before releasing it to achieve the greatest velocity and traveling distance, we may find our greatest opportunities for growth and career acceleration to come when we challenge ourselves to accept new opportunities on the extremes of what we initially thought financially and professionally acceptable.


Considering Veterans are often seen as non-traditional candidates, which can–and should–be seen as a good thing, it is important for us to understand the opportunity cost we represent to a hiring manager. This understanding is key to effectively articulating the unique value we offer our future team and to demonstrating the return on the investment of our employment is a “no-brainer.” For employers with constrained budgets–most of them–the choice to hire a Veteran “generalist” with strong leadership skills often means passing on a well-qualified industry “specialist” that, while possibly lacking in leadership, could snap into the individual contributor job duties with minimal coaching and development.


The beauty of getting hired to provide general team capacity and flexibility is that there are limitless opportunities to help your team, your boss, and ultimately the company by just plugging the gaps and “doing windows.” Just as a slingshot launches its projectile at high speed towards its target, a starter opportunity, that may feel like a step backwards, can actually launch your career on an accelerated growth path toward leadership and financial gain.

The W3 Career Path


W3 aligns qualified Veteran candidates with opportunities in Operations Management, Business Development & Sales, Finance & Accounting, and Human Resources.


The objective is to help Veterans gain experiences that round out the professional resume they gaine on active duty.


We break our candidates into three classifications:

  • Opportunity Ready candidates are screened and vetted for a specific management or Leadership Team level role in one of the four major functions above.
  • Integrator Ready candidates have successfully completed assignments in at least two of the four major functions and a demonstrated ability to navigate the functions they do not have direct experience.
  • Integrator Experienced candidates have successfully completed at least one assignment of 6 months or greater in an Integrator role.